Fayette Local School District's Board of Education Members
Mr. Jason Kessler School Board President
Phone: 419-913-6675 e-mail: jkessler@fayettesch.org
Mr. Mat Johnson School Board Member
Phone: 419-388-6592 e-mail: mjohnson@fayettesch.org
Mrs. Katie Link School Board Member
Phone: 419-966-9800 e-mail: klink@fayettesch.org
Mrs. Merissa Kessler School Board Member
Phone: 419-572-0134 e-mail: mkessler@fayettesch.org
Mrs. Jennifer Wagner School Board Vice President
Phone: 419-388-8225 e-mail: jwagner@fayettesch.org
Vision Statement
Ensuring all students achieve their greatest potential.
Mission Statement
The Fayette Local School District is committed to creating self-sufficient individuals with marketable skills, who contribute to society through support and encouragement amongst stakeholders.
BASA Board of Education's Responsibilities
1. To establish and regularly review all policies, ensuring they are lawful and designed to improve the quality of the school district.
2. To hire, support, and work effectively with the superintendent of schools and the treasurer/CFO,
3. To conduct an annual formal evaluation of the superintendent of schools and the treasurer/CFO.
4. To refer administrative communications, including questions, complaints, and personnel inquiries to the superintendent, as appropriate, and follow the board-established chain of command.
5. To delegate to the superintendent responsibility for all administrative functions, except those specifically reserved to the board through board policy.
6. To adopt, advocate for, and oversee a school budget, which is responsive to district goals and meets the needs of all students.
To make a public records request, fill out the above form and submit it to Kelly Bentley either by email; kbentley@fayettesch.org, or by mail to 400 E. Gamble Rd., Fayette, OH 43521.