Mrs. Amber Savage (419) 237-2776 (ext. 1003)
School Nurse
Mrs. Amber Savage will work with students in Preschool through grade 12 to ensure a healthy and safe atmosphere while at school. School Nursing focuses on physical and preventative health, screenings for vision and hearing, immunization auditing, medication administration and other skilled nursing services while at school. Mrs. Savage will collaborate with the Fulton County Health Department and Ohio Department of Health to provide necessary and elective programs to help children make healthy life choices whenever possible. Below you will find medical forms required for students with health conditions. These can also be picked up in the school office.
Notes from the Nurse
Final Forms
Please ensure all medical information including allergies and medications are current. Allergies must be a given diagnosis by a physician and not an intolerance. We make diet and environment accommodations with notes from physicians only.
Medications may be brought to school but not in possession of the student. Policies are put in place to ensure other students safety. Exceptions of these medications are for Epipens, Glucagon, and rescue inhalers. These are only permitted to be carried by students if the nurse has documented forms in place. Teachers are made aware of students' emergency medications. For OTC medications, proper storage and forms need to be completed as well.
Please make sure there is always an updated phone number and contact information on file. If you change your phone number, please make sure the school has the new number. If unable to reach a parent or guardian, and a situation arises that is out of the scope of a nurse's practice, they will be taken to the nearest emergency room.
If your child is sick they will be sent home only at our discretion. Please do not tell students to call home if they want to go home. Students can only return to school 24 hours after the last episode of diarrhea or vomiting has occurred or fever has been controlled for 24 hrs without the aid of medication.
Head Checks
Inspection will be completed on students with suspected lice. If live lice is present students must be picked up and treated.
State required vaccines exist for students entering kindergarten, seventh and twelfth grades. Please ensure these are done during their annual wellness checks prior to the start of school each fall they are needed. Students without required vaccines will be removed from school in the situation of an outbreak to one of these diseases and will be subject to truancy violations.